Samstag, 7. Juni 2014

Finally summer!

I know although I said I would write more now that I'm back again ... but well sometimes I'm not in the mood to do anything ... particularlly the past 2 weeks I felt not that well. I guess I need to explain why .. well it's been like this: I've been together with one guy who lives in my flat-share ... everything was good and we were both really happy but after about a month he said kissing was too close for him but that he did not want to end our relationship but somehow after he had said that it actually was like we weren't a couple anymore ... and after that he pretty much totally ignored me and I couldn't handle that :/ so the last weeks were mentally quite tough for me ... let me tell you: an eating disorder is tough but heartsickness isn't easy as well.

But I've picked up my courage again this week ... it's still weird seeing him, knowing that not long ago we were so close!! But now it's more bearable ... maybe because I'm chatting with another guy quite a lot who seems to be really nice and positive! ;) Maybe I'm gonna meet him soon and I'm really excited!! :))

Have a great evening!

Samstag, 3. Mai 2014


Yeah, unbelieveable but I'm still there. I know, about 1 1/2 a year or more have passed without any post at all... but a lot has happened during that time - I've attained full age in October for example .. Believe me,  A LOT has happened ... it's too much to write it all down, but on some things you should be updated to understand what I'm writing about in the future: I was in hospital in summer for 5 weeks, but the rules and the concept of the ward I was admitted to wasn't really the right for me ... but then in October, 2 days after my 18th birthday, my parents told me I HAD TO GO into hospital again. So instead of refusing to go I said ok and went to the ward I had been in in summer again for about 10 weeks. I had to reach a certain weight and after that I moved into a house where teens and young adults with psychatric disorders can live. so yep, since December I'm living in that house, on weekends I go home. And I'm so much better now! My OCD is still there, I can't deny that ... but at least I got my weight up to a normal one and I maintain it :)
I hope I have more motivation to update more often .. I've just realised again how writing out things helps to feel more free! :)
Have a nice weekend!

Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012

Back again

Yes, back again! I know I've promised to post more often the last time but I did neither have time nor sometimes the will to write something .. from time to time I didn't feel well and had a lot on my mind and I even thought about just not going on this blog anymore! But as you can see - I decided against that!

But back to the title - that's only been the first part of 'back again' --> Tomorrow I'm moving to my parents again! 
I have mixed feelings about that ... about one week ago I was really excited and looking forward to that but now ... I can't really say. I am really worried that things get worse again at home with my parents :( I can't even say that I'm really looking forward to Christmas .. I don't really have this warm, excited Christmas feeling :/

Well, at the moment I'm already packing some things to bring them to my parents' house so that I won't have to take ALL my stuff from one place to another tomorrow.

From the last post I have learned that I probably shouldn't promise anything on here in case I don't get to keep it ;) so I just wish you all a nice Saturday evening and I'll write again some time :)


Freitag, 30. November 2012

Thinking ...

Maybe you have wondered why there hasn't been any new post on here during the last time but I somehow never really had time or the will to sit down and write something. I am really thoughtful at the moment, maybe even depressed a bit and those thoughts .. well, they take a lot of my power :/ I think a lot about life, me and my situation, the ED and why everything happened the way it did .. And in some really hurtful way I miss my mom ... I mean I see her from time to time when I go to my parents' house (I still live at the house of another family that mine is friends with) but sometimes I really long for a long, big hug and she tells me that everything's alright and she loves me .. It makes me sad and angry at the same time that I think this way and am never fully content with how I'm doing or how my life goes. :((
With the eating I'm still having problems and by that I mean I have to be very careful not to lose some more weight! And the cold outside lets me feel even worse and sometimes my thoughts are darker than they honestly should! :(

In about an hour I'll leave for work in the afternoon and I hope it brings some more positive thoughts up so I won't have the same pessimistic thoughts on my mind all the time. I hope it works! :)

See you soon!

Freitag, 16. November 2012


Good evening!

Wow, this has been crazy somehow ... I think to tell the whole story would end in a really long and probably confusing post so let me just shorten it all a bit: a girl in my English class has an Eating Disorder as well and told me today! It's not anorexia but bulimia.. She told me she had realized that it can't go on like this and asked where I 'had help' (at that time she didn't know about my ED, we had just talked about therapists becasue she said she needed someone to talk to and I had mentioned that I was going to one) and I was like .. 'Uhm, my therapist is specialised on one ... special topic and I don't know if that would be the right thing for you (there she hadn't said something about bulimia yet)' and she was like 'Mhm, why?' and then after shortly thinking about it I said 'It's for eating disorders.' And then she said 'Well.. I think that's .. appropriate.' I was really .. surprised .. not the right word but I can't think of a better one. Then I finally told her who my therapist is and gave her the phone number. We talked till the end of the break and she said she had bulimia but that her parents didn't know anything and I took heart and told her about my Eating Disorder!
It was a good feeling when she thanked me and I'm absolutely sure that my ED is safe because she won't tell anyone! And - except on here - I won't tell anybody about her situation.

The following school lessons I was thinking about it a lot .. I got the impression that there recently are a lot of people with eating disorders! Something must be terribly wrong in our society nowadays that loads of people get psychically sick, right?!

Well, I'm gonna eat supper now (yeah, really late but that somehow hasn't improved the last time ... :/ ) and watch a film or series! :)

Good night, have a nice weekend!


Dienstag, 13. November 2012

so tired o.o

I'm feeling sooooooo exhausted :( and in addition to that - or maybe as a consequence - the bad, negative thoughts come up .. not only now, already earlier today. That's for example like this: someone looks at me and I directly think this person for sure thinks something bad about me like I'm too skinny (yeah, I feel ashamed about that .. about me having an ED and not having 'solved the problem' yet) or I'm just strange somehow. :/ I feel like complete shit when this mood turns up and this is a situation where I doubt that life is good. Yes, I haven't written something really negative yet on this blog but as this is supposed to be for writing out my feelings it just had to come out!
I feel so bad somehow -.- I'm really looking forward to my therapy session tomorrow, I can feel how badly I'm in the need for that right now!!
And my hands hurt!! They are so dry that I got some little wounds because at some points the skin has ripped and due to my underweight (yeah, I know it's because of that and I'm judging myself badly for knowing but not changing it -.-) it won't heal fast or at all, I don't know, because the wound healing doesn't work properly :(
ugggh. You see I'm in a bad mood :/
I'll take a hot shower now and hope my thoughts and worries get better then:)


Montag, 12. November 2012

Yesterday & today

Hey you!
Yesterday I somehow didn't find time to write a post although there's something I would have really liked to already share yesterday: I went for a nice walk in the evening when it was already dark outside and then - BUM! I almost stepped on a hedgehog. AGAIN A HEDGEHOG :) Seems like I'm  a magnet for hedgehogs when I'm out, that one has been the second one in two weeks I think :D

And today I could drive myself to school (of course with my dad next to me (; because I'm not 18 yet) and it all went well and I was at school in time:)
This afternoon I first had to go to the doctor to be weighed and only some minutes afterwards already had to be at work in the bakery! I was a bit too late ... about 3 minutes only but in the end I had to stay 50 minutes longer. But well .. I get more money then, right?! ;) But now I need to do homework and eat dinner ... just have to get my lazy ass up. And I think I should at least try to go to bed earlier today .. I barely slept about 5 hours  this night and I have noticed that due to this lack of sleep I've been more irritable throughout the day :/
So wish me luck! ;)

See you soon